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Writer's pictureEmily Rose

What Romance Thing Do I Write About Now?

Honestly, trying to think of something to write about in this blog is far more challenging than I ever thought. I was sure that since I write books and come up with these complex plots and scenes and put them out on paper, this would be easy. Yeah, no. I was very, very wrong.

I've been sitting here, staring at my screen for an hour, trying to figure out what the hell to write. When I'm prepping for a new release, then sure, that's loads of material, but what about when it's done? What else can I write about that doesn't come off sales-y. I mean, sure, I want you to buy my books, but I want this blog to be more than just that too.

So that begs the question, what do I write about? Well, after much thought, I decided, I think it's time for me to reintroduce myself. I mean, I don't think I ever really did this on here. So guess what? You get to know all about me, my life, my writing, and what's coming up for me in the future.

Who Am I?

I'm going to give you the basics to start:

  1. Name: Emily Rose (Yes this is a pen name, but it is also my legal name. I just don't include my last name for privacy reasons)

  2. Age: 31. But I'll be 32 in November. Also, can I just say how I don't know where the last 14 years went! I feel like I should still be just getting out of high school. Or maybe that's just because I don't know what the hell I'm doing most days.

  3. Location: East Coast of Canada. For privacy I'm not going to get too much more specific, but just know that I live near some beautiful views, beaches, and forests. In fact, if you look out my back door, you'll see nothing but trees. And the best part is that nothing will be built back there because it's so close to a reservior.

  4. Married or Single?: I'm married. My hubby and I have been together for 14 years (but we're not high school sweethearts or anything) and married for what will soon be 9 years. Or as he likes to say, 90 years. Listen, I know I'm a bit nuts, but it definitely hasn't been that long and it doesn't feel that long to me. And before you ask, no, I don't use my hubby as inspiration for any books. I have a very firm belief that I don't put ANYONE (except for one person that I was using to honor her memory) in my real life in my books. So if you think it reminds you of someone, it is very much a coincidence and nothing more.

  5. Do I Write Fulltime?: Not yet, but I hope to in 2025. I have a day job that I work at 40 hours a week, and write/do book related business things before or after that. But I really am trying to do this fulltime because it is my passion, and I have proven to myself and others I can make it work. I just have a few things that I still need to accomplish before I can do that. So wish me luck!

Hmmmm, what else is there to tell you? I mean, those are the important ones I suppose. I guess other than that, I have two younger brothers, both of whom are married, and one of them has given me two beautiful nieces. My parents have been married for 34 years, and I'm very close to my Mom, along with other members of my extended family. I guess all that's left is a picture of me. Though I'm just letting you know that this is when I was done up for my brother's wedding so I don't always look this put together. Most days my hair is a frizzy mess and I'm wearing next to no make-up. So hi!

Emily Rose Author Photo

What Kind of Romance Do I Write?

This is a loaded question, but I'll try and give you the short version. I write a lot of different parts of romance, but I like to focus on things that I enjoy writing and what I also enjoy reading. Namely found families, strong familial connections, strong friendships, angst, finding the person you're meant to be with forever, and overcoming something that you never thought you would face.

Oh, and you know, some steamy scenes that will have you on the edge of your seat. Looking at Alessio and that knife scene.

Anyway, I have a few different series, and they all center around these ideas. But another thing that people like about my books is that I don't leave characters to fall back into oblivion. I bring them back time and time again, and in new ways. I'm big on inter-connected worlds and series. In fact, I have 3 series in one world that connect to each other, and I'm planning big expansions for other worlds I'm creating.

So what sub-genres do I write?

  1. Contemporary Romance

  2. Billionaire Romance

  3. Motorcycle Club Romance

  4. Romantic Suspense

  5. Dark Romance

  6. Dark Mafia Romance

Admittedly, some of these are in the same book, but I think you get the gist. I'm doing a bit of everything, but most of them connect in some way.

With my characters, I generally pick women that are strong and can go toe to toe with their men, or if they don't initially, they definitely will by the end of the story. As for the men, I tend to go toward large, gruff, alpha hero types that don't mess around when it comes to their women. They will put it all on the line for the, but also need to have their women take them down a few pegs now and again when they get too bossy or heavy-handed. I also want them to have some humor in there too, so if you're looking for that in these stories, you'll find it.

If you haven't read my books, or don't know what books are connected, I have a picture for you! All books on the left side of the image are an interconnected world called Inked. Start with the Inked Series, then you can go to either Devil's Soldiers or Lincolns. Both are spin-offs. But if you want in chronological order, I put that below as well. The other series are not connected, but I do plan on making them worlds with spinoff series of their own.

Emily Rose Book Series

Emily Rose Inked World Reading Order-Chronologically

What's Next?

That's a good question because half the time I don't know. But I can at least share with you some of my plans for the coming few months and the coming year. The ones that I at least know are going to happen.

Next Writing Projects:

I have so many book plans, but I'll focus on the ones I'm going to be writing in the coming months for now. Next up will be book 3 of the Lost De Luca Sisters Series called Little Dove. I've shared in previous blogs what to expect in it, so you can check those for more info, but just know we're going darker, with some fun kinks. But after that?

After that I'm heading back to the Inked World to write book 7 of the Devil's Soldiers MC series, which will be Hulk's story. I don't have a title for his book, but I do have a general idea of what will be happening in his story. It's going to be action packed, and have you on the edge of your seat throughout I think. I mean, who knows, maybe I'll put in some fun and unexpected things in there. side-eyed glance

Book Signings:

I'm finally heading to a couple of my first book signings in 2025! I honestly didn't think it would happen with the cost of things nowadays, but I'm taking the plunge. So where am I heading?

May 2-3, 2024- Toronto Canada at the Love & Romance Signing.

Love & Romance Toronto Book Signing Banner

And finally, I'm going to be heading to a very special signing in September 2025. Myself and some other amazing authors are doing a special Books and Booze Cruise to Alaska! Yep, Alaska. It's a dream spot of my to go, and I have never been this excited.

September 7-14th, 2025- Princess Cruises Sailing to Alaska

Alaska Books and Booze Cruise Banner

I cannot wait for both of these events. It's going to be amazing to meet new readers, and hopefully some of you! I'd love to meet some of my readers and finally get to put faces to names.

Well, I think that's enough about me and what I'm up to this time. I'm not sure what I'm coming back with next time, but I'll think of something! But if you have a suggestion or a question that you would like answered, put it in the comments below this blog! I'm happy to answer any and all questions as much as I can.

For now, have a great weekend and I'll talk to you soon!

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